Success with tank 1....moving on to tanks 2 and 3


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA
Well, tank 1 is a success!!  Cheers!   *celebratesmiley*  *celebratesmiley*

I will detail it for those of you if you don't remember me from the beginning:

20 gal
100 watt heater
Penguin 170 Bio-Wheel
Drift wood
3 fake plants
1 clay pot cave

4 clown loaches from .5" to 1.5"
2 Oto's
8 Head and Tail light tetras
3 (I believe they are Bronze Cory's but they weren't labled as such at the store, they were called Aseneasus ((I know I misspelled that but thats how they were labled...I know the first 4 letters are right)))
4 ghost shrimp

I've only had this tank for a little under 2 months, and did fishless cycling.  I am very happy with the way it turned out.  

Now, onto tanks 2 and 3!  Both 20 gals. I am ordering Emperor 280 biowheels for them both tonight, and one Ebo-Jager 100 watt heater for one of them.  The inhabitants of tank 2 include:

2 Pink kissers (one is about 5 1/2 inches long)
5 mystery snails (assorted gold and black)

Tank 3 is in for repairs at the moment.  Right now it is sitting in my driveway filled with water, testing to see if it holds water after I caulked 2 of the seams from where the previous owner had dropped it and taken chips out of the glass.  

Any who, I'm glad I found this site, it had really helped me alot.  Thanks.


P.S.  Now I am a medium fish with a successful I can officially start giving advice.  woo hoo!  :)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA
Re: Success with tank 1....moving on to tanks 2 an

Yea.  I know they'll need a alot bigger tank.  By the time they'll need it though, I'll be out of college and making more money than I am now.  lol

Yea, I did get a bronze cory.  I wish they would have labeled it "Bronze Cory" though.  

One of the main reasons I got Bronze Cories was because there was a itty bitty Clown loach in there with them.  He's not mucb nigger than my Head and Tail light tretras.....but he seemed to enjoy the cories, and I have a warm place in my heart for clowns, so he came home with me too.  :)

I'll have pics as soon as I can find my digital camera.  lol
