Successful Plants in an Eclipse Six?

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has experience with the Eclipse system (I know I had a similar post, but now that i'm getting a little more serious about an eclipse, i've got a different question :))

In my previous post some of you said that it was hard to grow plants, but is it impossible to grow plants in an eclipse...they look oh so good, and on the marineland website, it shows lush plants in the tank, but, perhaps they're plastic ?

I know people have said a DIY project is hard for these, but is it possible without modifiying it and using the lighting it has to grow some plants?

Thank you so much for your time and help!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I am pretty sure you can grow low-light plants in the Eclipse systems. I modified my Eclpise 6 to get 4.2 watts a gallon (26 watts vs the standard 8 it comes with)

Species like the Java Fern and Java Moss, as well as Anubias species would do well in a tank with 1.2 watts/gallon, but they would just grow really slowly. If you spend some time searching this forum as well as some of the other ones, you can read more stories on plant growth in the eclipses. It's what I did before I bought mine, and except for my mechanical filtration problem, everything's going great with the tank!

Good luck!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
I have an eclipse system one on a 12 gallon, and have yet to find a plant that does not florish under it... I don't have anything in the gravel besides fish poo, and I only add ferts when I remember, but, everything I put in there seems to do well. Geo dd major mods on his tank, and once everything grows in, it will look awesome. If you want to take the time to do it, I'd say, go for it! Why not? Then you could have one awesomely planted tank, if your like me, and lazy, then don't, and just add one nice big java fern or fine on of the rarer species of anubias for a center plant, a few small crypts dancing around, and a ground cover of java moss. HTH...