Suggestion for 3 gallon stocking and cycling

Jan 21, 2011
I gave my small tank to my nephew and need some advice to offer him as far as his fish options. I know about Bettas and feel fine about recommending them.
If he wants more than one fish, then I'm not sure what to tell him. If hr wants a pair or a group of 3 very small fish then would he start with just one for the cycling? How would only one of a group of 3 do alone? What about glofish?
Could you offer me a couple of scenarios for me to suggest to him?


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
I agree with Unwritten law, for danios, 3 is pretty much about it for a 3 gallon. I have a few more possible options, but some of these aren't usually in pet stores (at least around here) so you might have to order off line or have the pet store order them for you. I would go with a bunch of re cherry shrimp, you could probably keep like maybe a maximum of 10 in a 3 gallon, but there aren't many choices for schooling in a 3 gallon unfortunately. You could have 4 or 5 Celestilal Pearl Danios (which is REALLY pushing it), 4 or 5 microrasbora (still REALLY pushing it), but there isn't much else that will fit comfortably in a 3 gallon.
If it were me, I would make a really nice planted tank with some shrimp (there are a lot of really cool and small species out there) or a nice betta. You could probably even get a single pea puffer, although I have never had experience with them. Hope I helped! Good luck!