Suggestions for types of community fish for tank

Jun 24, 2009
As my tank is getting ready to cycle I am trying to put a list together w/ a good variety of fish types. I only have a 30 gallon tank and obviously do not want to over crowd. The problem is that it seems the majority of peaceful community fish are also "schoolers", so with a few types of fish I have just filled my tank up. I am looking for any suggestions for types of fish that will be happy alone or in pairs. Right now I have neons and rummy nose tetras in there ( I know, not good to cycle w/ them but rookie mistake) and they seem healthy and happy. I was planning on some zebra danios, cherry barbs & leopard cory cats, In small schools. The plan was to have a couple of Dwarf Gouramis as the centerpiece fish, but I read one of the threads on here and they said only one would be better so I am rethinking that. Anyhow, any suggestions of fish types that do well by themselves or in a pairs would be awesome. As usual thanks for the knowledge and suggestions *twirlysmi

Jun 18, 2009
my 20 gallon seems like what you have in mind minus the barbs, if your gonna go for it i reccomend a large school of one or two types of schooling fish i love my neon dwarf gourami as far as centerpieces go. but thats only IMO


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
I think having a school of barbs would be great for the activity of your tank. I hear they're playful and active, and quite colorful if in a moderately-sized school. Cats are a good idea so you've got some folks at each level of the tank.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
What I am hoping to put in my 20 gallon (you can see it's also in my signature...)
total of 6 harlequin rasboras
total of 6 neon tetras
1 male swordtail
Maybe a platy because swords prefer (but can still be the only sword in the tank!) to have another fish like them...
some sort of "cleanup crew" once the tank is established (otos or something).
That's just an idea.
Swordtails don't mind being the only one of their species in their tank... They grow about 4 inches. Good centerpiece fish!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
You should decide if you want to put a bunch of different community type fish together, or choose like two schools.

Most of the livebearers (guppy, molly, swordfish, platy) would be just fine if there were only one or a pair of them (just be sure to read up on how to tell the difference between males and females if you're going to get a pair because your tank will be overrun with babies! Get two males or a single fish) You could put a gourami in there...

If you're looking for movement and constant activity you would do well with some danios (zebra, leopard, long finned...any variety)

Cherry barbs would be cool...but I wouldn't suggest tiger barbs in a tank where you cant have a pretty big school of them. They can be bullies and nippers. Danios can as well, but generally aren't as bad as tiger barbs. Cherry barbs are pretty nice usually though.

A group of 3+ corys for the bottom are always fun and after your tank is somewhat established otocinclus or ottos are a great little addition.

If you decide to do just a few groups there are a bunch of them that would fit well in a 30.

Jun 24, 2009
If I get a swordtail, will it mate w/ female platies??? I read if you get a male sword and only one female, the male will drive it crazy, so two females are needed. If I do get females w/ the swordtail I am assuming it will breed like crazy as well, so I want to avoid that. I don't want a platy explosion. Can you have a couple of male swordtails or will they be too agressive?? Maybe ALL male platies (if I can successfully tell the difference), will they co-exist? Sorry for all the questions, I can't find any clear cut answers on line.

Depending on what feedback...My starting line up will be as such:

5 neons tetras
5 Rummynose tetras
5 Cherry barbs
2 Swordtails
3 leopard cories (later on)
2 ottos (later on)
1 Dwarf Gourami

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I would forget about the swords and gourami and do rams.... Also I'd forget the cherries cause mine can be and have been a bit mean, especially to each other and fish their same size (tetras). Instead just get more of each tetra. IT would look better than a bunch of different fish. Plus cherries aren't too active and don't school at all.