Suggestions for very small open top planted tank?

Oct 22, 2002
It's 2.5 gallons, live plants. It has excellent filtration, REALLY good lighting for the plants, etc.

It's open top - the light is suspended atop the aquarium. I've planted it in such a way that the azfelii and nana anubias will grow up and out of the water on one side.

The water is RO filtered. It's also perfect as far as median ranges for pH, KH, GH, nitRA/RItes, ammonia etc. These factors can be adjusted if a particular fish demands it.

I've recently had trouble with jumpers. Bleh. Open top aquariums are not as easy to stock.

So, any suggestions?

I could put one or two amano shrimp in. I probably will. But I'd like to have a fish or two. Something that swims. A star of the aquarium.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

If you are worried about another betta jumping...I've read of some people keeping bettas in bowls and covering the top with some type of mesh to keep the betta in, while still allowing air flow.  This would allow your light in as well I would think.

You could also try white clouds and shrimp with him.  I have some with my betta in a two gallon Explorer, and so far so good *knocks wood*.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

How about an Indian Pygmy Puffer species tank?

They are great fun and only grow up to 1" long!  
I bet you could fit a little family in, they are full of character.
In fact I might do one myself  *twirlysmiley*

Oct 22, 2002
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

Hm the mesh is a good idea, except my plants will poke out above the top of the tank, so that wouldn't work. I've also tried white clouds before, and I really like having them, except they TOTALLY jumped out a whole bunch, so I gave up on them.

The puffer thing seems cool, I've wanted to try them. The article linked says the aquarium should be at least 30 gallons, which mine is not - it's only 2.5 gallons. Also, it's unheated, I should have mentioned that before. However, my temperature never fluxes beyond the acceptable range for puffers (72-82, as stated in that article), so I should be OK there. Has anyone here kept puffers? In a small aquarium? Did you have luck or no?

thanks for the replies!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

Baby cories might be a good idea. They would come to the surface occasionally for a gulp of air, but I've never heard of one jumping tank. Or you could do those little froggies.
Try looking into bottom feeders though, I think some of them might be less likely to jump, if you can find any that stay small enough. Little baby rainbow or redtailed black sharks are nice too, and not known jumpers. They will need larger accomidations though as they grow, and you'd only be able to have one.

You could design the mesh around your plants. Most mesh fabrics are not difficult to cut into whatever shape you need.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

 What i think would be neat for the 2.5 is that you would have a "field" of Lilaeopsis (Lilaeopsis novaezelandiae)and since they like to have a good amount of light you could keep them in your tank with now problems at all. ;D

 For the fish i would think you could put a Paradise fish or any other species that grows small and has the labrinth feature, such as a Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), Honey dwarf gourami(Colisa sorta),most of the Colisa genus work well, or you could try a pair of Guppies(Poecilia reticulata). Oh yah, I would try to avoid saltwater in such small of a tank but, you could try ;D

 I think the mesh fabric would be a good idea or the tanks come with a platic plate that keep the fish in and they also have a little opening in which you can drop food into instead of having to lift up the mesh. ;D 8) *crazysmiley*  *celebratesmiley*

                                   Daniel *crazysmiley*






Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

Actually, I'm planning a tank for those puffers as we speak, and as for the minimus 30 gallons thing, its a lie, this person breed hers in less them 5 gallons.. care sheet Care sheet the basic info

Other wise, if you don't mind live food (which is waht the puffers need) then you could try 1-2 Dwarf Sunfish

How about a pair of fancy tailed guppys, there pretty.. Personally, I would do it saltwater, but, thats just me.. how about a Bumble bee gobie? Or a few neon tetras? or 2-3 killifish, or a female betta, or what about some zebra danios? or dwarf loaches or mosquito fish, or least killifish? Anyway, I guess I'll shut up now, anyway, there are a ton of options,
if saltwater is something u want to try, click this link This person has a georgus 2.5 and, well, actually, there all beautiful, anyway, explore your options, and have fun with it!!

Oct 22, 2002
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

Wow good reply pookie. Thanks!I bookmarked all those URL's.

I'm going to investigate the puffers more. Maybe I will do them. I don't like live food. Maybe I can coerce them to like frozen bloodworms or frozen shrimp? I had a friend whose puffers ate frozen bloodworms no problem.

I honestly think I might just go with a pair o' fancy guppies. I've had bad luck with gobies in general (referring to the bumblebee...), I have killifish (a "mated" pair in a 5.5 gallon planted tank, check out my home page if you wanna see pics), I have a tank of neons and other tetras already.

Welp let's see how it goes.

Thanks for suggestions all!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Suggestions for very small open top planted ta

Throw in, some sort of Gourami, They arent exactly built for Jumping, I don't see a problem with them... I like the Honey one'a   *twirlysmiley*