It's 2.5 gallons, live plants. It has excellent filtration, REALLY good lighting for the plants, etc.
It's open top - the light is suspended atop the aquarium. I've planted it in such a way that the azfelii and nana anubias will grow up and out of the water on one side.
The water is RO filtered. It's also perfect as far as median ranges for pH, KH, GH, nitRA/RItes, ammonia etc. These factors can be adjusted if a particular fish demands it.
I've recently had trouble with jumpers. Bleh. Open top aquariums are not as easy to stock.
So, any suggestions?
I could put one or two amano shrimp in. I probably will. But I'd like to have a fish or two. Something that swims. A star of the aquarium.
It's open top - the light is suspended atop the aquarium. I've planted it in such a way that the azfelii and nana anubias will grow up and out of the water on one side.
The water is RO filtered. It's also perfect as far as median ranges for pH, KH, GH, nitRA/RItes, ammonia etc. These factors can be adjusted if a particular fish demands it.
I've recently had trouble with jumpers. Bleh. Open top aquariums are not as easy to stock.
So, any suggestions?
I could put one or two amano shrimp in. I probably will. But I'd like to have a fish or two. Something that swims. A star of the aquarium.