Suicidal Paradise fish


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
My semi-evil paradise fish was suicidal again... and this time it was successful. My mom tells me it jumped out of the tank using one of the small holes along the back of the hood. It must have aimed carefully, as I didn't think there was any hole big enough to allow it, let alone to allow it jumping. She told me a few months ago that it had jumped out when she opened the hood to feed the tank, and she had put it back. Pity, it was a nice looking fish, and I finally had tankmates that it tollerated :(. I think I'll get more platies to replace it, instead of another paradise, as I think it would have liked more room to swim. I also don't know exactly how aggressive another one would be... I'm surprised this one didn't kill of the last platy.

Sorry, no question for you guys, just thought I'd share.

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