My new Rubber Lip Pleco tried to kill himself. Who is now named "kamikaze" for his suicidal stunt. I put him in the 2.5 gallon because it had lots of algae and the Rubber Lip was skinny. So I put him in there and he started eating algae. I woke up this morning to find that he wasn't there. I searched for five minutes and still could not find him then when I looked behind the desk. There he was sucking on the desk 3 feet below the tank. I scooped him up with the net. He looked dead I put him in the water to see if he was still barely alive. He started breathing and moving right away. He is now in the corner of the tank resting. I added some Melafix for him. I don't know if that will help or not. I did not see any wounds on him. Is there anything more I can do?