Suitable fish for a 20litre tank?


New Fish
Mar 27, 2007
Hey guys!
I have a 20 litre tank, and i just got 2 albino corys! they are prudy small[bout 2cm], is it okay to keep them in this tank? They seem to be happy, they swim around together, eat together, exlore, etc Cause if it not okey, i will keep them till they are a lil biggger and then take them to my LFS abd give them back!
I am also planning to transpot my Betta to the 20litre, but there shouldnt be a problem with him and the corys?
Please let me know!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
albino corys will get to 3inches, to big for a tank that size once full grown. and they like to be in groups of a minimum of 5.
a betta needs that tank space anyways, there are to many people that put them in bowls where they suffer from ammonia poisining and other things.
depending on your betts personality he should be fine with the corys. some peopls can go with anything and be fine but some peoples cant go with anything due to thier aggression