Well, I'm still wanting some tankmates for my GT. He's in a 75g with 2 plecos and a Rainbow Shark. He only picks on my Gold Pleco when he's in "the way," only because I think my GT's bored. It's not too bad.
The tank is heavily planted with mainly Echinodorus species, primarily plain 'ol sword plants. Filtration is not a problem with an AC500, Marineland HOT, and a Hagen 802 powerhead with the quickfilter attachment..
I want severums, but I'm not sure if they will hold up. What do you think? Here's a pic of the tank (sorry about the size...I need to resize it):
The tank is heavily planted with mainly Echinodorus species, primarily plain 'ol sword plants. Filtration is not a problem with an AC500, Marineland HOT, and a Hagen 802 powerhead with the quickfilter attachment..
I want severums, but I'm not sure if they will hold up. What do you think? Here's a pic of the tank (sorry about the size...I need to resize it):