Suitable tankmates for a Green Terror (again)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Well, I'm still wanting some tankmates for my GT. He's in a 75g with 2 plecos and a Rainbow Shark. He only picks on my Gold Pleco when he's in "the way," only because I think my GT's bored. It's not too bad.

The tank is heavily planted with mainly Echinodorus species, primarily plain 'ol sword plants. Filtration is not a problem with an AC500, Marineland HOT, and a Hagen 802 powerhead with the quickfilter attachment..

I want severums, but I'm not sure if they will hold up. What do you think? Here's a pic of the tank (sorry about the size...I need to resize it):


Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Green Terrors are not accurately named IMO. They're not the crazed bullies some people make them out to be. Here's what I have in my 80 gallon at present:

12" Oscar, 5" GT, 5" Front, 3.5" Nicaraguensis, 13" Sailfin Gibby, 3x2.5" Clown Loaches

Being a purist at heart, this setup won't last too long for me personally, but I've been experimenting with cichlid aggression, and so far, this works.

Surprisingly, it's the Front who is the aggressor when there are disputes between he and the GT. The only fish that actually gets "picked on" is the pleco by the oscar.

Your GT looks to be a little larger than mine, but I would not say that severums are out of the question, granted they're a good 3-4" going into the tank.