
I'm setting up and maintaining some tanks at a new night club and I have some questions concerning filtration.

I want to do what I think is called a sump tank. There are two sets of 4 ten gallons. I want to be able to pump the water to and from each set of 4 tanks into another tank (sump?) with all the filters and heaters and maybe some material for benificial bacteria to grow on.

What do I need to do this? Please help me!

Hi Cillana,Multiple AQuariums on one filtration system are widely used.
Pro's and con's.
Pro's= easy water changing, large volume of water,large volume of media,no equipment in tanks.
Con's= Disease spreads easily from tank to tank,water all the same PH etc,if the pump packs up all tanks lose filtration,etc etc.
All the tanks will have to be drilled to take overflow outlet, this then is piped to one end of large filter box (Domestic Loft Tank)the water then passes through filter media to the other end where the water is then pumped back into the tanks.
I personally would maintain them individually, OK a bit more work involved but that is what you are being paid for.8)

Hmmm... sounds too complicated for me.

He said he doesn't want the equipment showing in the tank. What about canister filters? That would just have an in and out tube. Even better would be a thermo filter so I don't have to have a heater showing in the tank. Do they make them small enough for a 10 gallon? How much do they cost? If one is too powerful for a 10 gallon, is there any way I could use one filter for two or four tanks?

Any suggestions for other kind of filters that might work are very welcome. The only kind I've ever had are power filters.


Jay S.

AH, the joys of fish keeping  *laughingcryingsmiley* *laughingcryingsmiley*

If you already havent gotten everything going yet, you could possibly try pluming 3 or 4 fluvals together.. I have never tried it but it sounds like a good idea to me if it works :)