sun cat


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
ok I've had my sun cat for about 2 weeks now and when I bought him he was kinda like an olive green to a dirty yellow color with a black spot right behind the gills. He has slowly changed color to almost a black over his entire body. what could be causing this. I have never seen him feed and my cichlids usually get all the food before it even hits the bottom no matter how much I feed.. anyone have any idea what could be wrong with him or if this is normal?

It's likely that he is very stressed. Either over being picked on by the other fish or not being able to eat or a combination of both. It's also possible that the fish was sick when purchased.
Did you uarantine the fish?
Do you have somewhere you could quarantine the fish now?
You should try to find out if the fish will eat at all, even without tankmates.

Likes: Fuzz16


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
well he is perfectly healthy and he was in a tank that was more agressive and competative then this one. and if he really wanted to he could eat my labs. they are small enough to fit in his mouth. and the only other tank that I have is my 10g tropical. and it's over crowded as it is.