Sunburst platy question

Apr 7, 2005
Hi my friend has 2 sunburst platy's in their tank, and one is bigger (which we take it is the girl) and one that is alot thinner (taking it that one is a male) the male follows the female around everywhere. It kinda looks like a whale and a baby swimming in the ocean.
The smaller thinner one won't let it alone. Its not biting at it or anything. It just swims with it everywhere it goes.
Is this a sign it wants to mate or is it something else??

thanks *SUNSMILE*

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
I am glad you asked this question my gold twin bar platys are doing the same thing. It is my male that is following my female every where, when she goes right so does he, left he is there, up he is there, down he is there, she puts her fins up so does he, fins down yep you guessed it him to.

There has been no "matting" going on that I can tell.

I think it is neat but I would like to know what they are doing.

Apr 7, 2005
That is exactly how mine are :D Its neat but I would think the female would get tired of the males following it around like it does. It's like the female goes to make a turn and wham well not wham but you know what i mean they swim into each other cause he is right there. :D

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
I think the females do at some point. I just took all my male mollies back to the store. I felt bad for how much they were buggin my girls.

The only bad thing about my platies is that I have 4 and the biggest male and female are the ones doing this dance, the little male and female just hid all the time.

I wonder if there are the alpha pair???

it is because he wants to mate with her, he is trying to "impress" her as it seems, He really likes her but she may be pregnant already, or she may just not like him :eek: , otherwise, nothing is wrong, they do that all the time in my tank, (FYI, it also happens when the female is too young, or barren, which does happen from time to time)