Sunspots baby!

Hiyo! I've had a trio (1M:1F:1Unsexed) of 'Lamprologus' brevis "Ikola" or "Sunspot" for a few weeks now. They were getting along great but was able to aquire 2 more (a definate M:F pair). Just wanted to share a few photos of them being introduced and getting settled in. As soon as I put the 2 new with the other 3 all hell broke loose and even the 3 originals were banging eachother up! Everything calmed down eventually though and the tank is calm again. Set-up is a 10gl with 11 shells, a pile of rock (the unsexed guy likes the rocks), and a bunch of baby P. brigs, P. cana, and P. cana "salton sea".

New male and MUCH bigger than any of the original 3.

Original Male in flashy colours, getting ready to square-off.

New and smaller original male during battle, original male's winning too ;) .

The unsexed sunspot "rockdwelling". He sure do like them hidey-holes!

So waddya think? I'm totally in love with these guys. They're a real kick! :D


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Very nice! Looks like you'll have some fun with those guys (and gals). ;)

I have a pair of 'Mtoto' that I love. The male can be quite the punk at times. If my hand gets to close, he has no problems letting me know by biting me. lol They are beutiful when sparing with my hand or another fish. The heads down display is awesome.

I almost bought 6 juvies the other day of the sunspot. Then I remembered Im tring to have few tanks, not more. lol

It's "all purpose" sand (whatever that means ;) ) from Home Depot. I wanted to get some of the brown coloured playsand (I have the white in my mbuna *thumbsdow ).
This sand is a bit courser than I'd like it to be for shellies. I did my best to separate the even courser stuff from the stuff that's currently in the tank. If I find something better I'll go for it. I've just noticed some serious digging activity going on and would like for them to stay comfortable with the digging. Hope I get some babies soon! :D
BTW Orion, how are those Mtotos? I like the L. sp. "Magara", don't know if they've been classified as brevis yet. My BF says they be too girly. :p


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I like them, and I am very glad that I got to keep and breed this species, but when ever I get rid if this pair, I'm not going to run out and look for some more. I have a hyper aggresive male who will only take one female at any given time. Put more females in with him, he picks one and keeps the rest away. But he is very hard on the female he chooses too. The first one he breed with, he ended up removing the entire tail fin he picked at her so much. And now the other one he will not let out of the shell. She can come to the mouth of the shell to feed, but thats it. So far this female is still looking in good shape. Then agian, this may just be an isolated incident with my male.

Some what interesting, but my multies are much more fun to watch. A good fish for a little bit more aggressive tank mates with the larger size and those pointy teeth. :) He has never backed down, and will attack my hand if I get too close.