Super cool fish/Stocking?


Medium Fish
May 14, 2010
I have a 20 gallon high and I just recently gave the fish to a friend, so I was wondering what new fish would look good in a twenty gallon high, plants as well. I was kinda hoping to stay away from the tetra and mollie(non agressive fish) I have had those since I was like 8 so Im just looking for something else, I was thinking I could put cichlids in it but I wasnt sure if the tank was big enough, but if there are any that could fit in a twenty high please do tell. I was hopin to shoot for like some exotic fish??

As of right now the only thing in the tank is gravel, and two pieces of drift wood


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
ok so i don't keep killi and never have, but what i know about them is that they are top of the water fish and are pretty mellow.

if you did killi you could do kribs or rams in the bottom of the tank along with maybe some synodontis (sp?) also known as squeekers in some places, corries are also neat, then toss in some thing generic like a school of neons or various other tetras for the mid level swimmers

you could do peacocks (like 5) along with a bottom feeder, do all males to get the best color (they are african cichlids but know that you get cichlids and catfish thats it no mixing)


Medium Fish
May 14, 2010
That sounds pretty awesome what you were describing nanu ill definetly have to try something like that! And i like the idea of dwarf ciclids

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