SW Lights adversely affecting FW fish??


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey guys, I have a wierd question. Would there be any reason that a FW fish would have a bad reaction (die) from being exposed to SW lights?

Reason I ask is a strange incident that I can't figure out... I had some fish who were doing fine in a 10g that is set up next to my SW tank. Last week I set up my new lights for the SW tank 2x 65w, (10g FW doesn't have any lights on it for the time being) and within the first day of setting up the lights the fish in the 10 started swimming in the bottom corner of the tank, away from the SW tank...and then like 24-48 hours later all of them were dead.

Granted this could be a huge coincidence since the fish were new a couple days before I put the lights on the SW, but the parameters on the FW tank were well within healthy ranges, no spikes, no temp changes, cycled, filter working etc...plus they were 'happy and healthy' for at least 48 hours before I put the lights up on the SW tank.

Thanks for any thoughts!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
weird unless it was light shock, as there were no lights on the tank prior....I would think that the dispersement of the light wouldn't have left much punch for these lights in the 10g though.....very strange, sure it wasn't another parasite that got the fish?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
At this point, no I am not sure about anything...but the fact that they were on the opposite side of the tank from those lights made me wonder a little. They weren't swimming strangely, they were eating fine, they didn't have anything visibly wrong with them and the lfs had them for several weeks before I got them so there isn't any real clear-cut reasons for their demise.

I had a light on the 10 for some of the time, but not consistantly, and the room is bright during the day and lights on at night so is not like they were in complete darkness and then all of a sudden have these huge lights on them or anything. I'll have to see if I can get a picture, but the way its set up, the bottom of the 20 is at about the same height as the top of the 10g and there's probably at least 6 inches or a foot of space between the tanks horizontally. The lights are on feet above the tank, so they're very bright and shine on the room as well as the tank...