Swimming Problems


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
I looked into my tank yesterday and one of my tiger barbs was having trouble staying down. He kept floating to the top of the tank, he wasnt dieing or anything, he was trying his hardest just to keep swimming down, but eventually he just got to tired from the constant swimming down and gave up, so he ended up just floating at the top, but still breathing normally, and he even ate some flake food that i gave him. However this morning he was completely fine swimming around as usual. Does anyone know what would've coursed it to loose its ability to swim properly for that short period of time?

Aug 23, 2004
Hull, UK
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chances are it was the swim bladder. i've had that problem with some of my fish, where however hard they try they can't stay down. they often swim head first too. i just but some anti stress stuff in and they were fine a couple of days later.

think i had a more serious problem with my silver shark. it looked like it had hiccups, and then we found it dead a couple of days later.

but yeh, my point is anti stress helped mine out.