Switching Tanks Soon


Medium Fish
Nov 4, 2002
New Orleans
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I am going to buy my 100 gal. tank today. I have a 30 gal at the moment. I know I need to cycle the new one first. Anyone ever switch fish from one tank to a new one? I want some personal experience. What can I do to make it a fast transfer? Thanks in advance!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
wow, how much are you getting it for? just wondering because i got my 90 for 299 tank and stand. so i was how the prices are i your area. ok good luck.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The easiest way to switch it over would be to take your uncleaned filter from the 30 gallon and tank rinsed gravel and add it to the 100 gallon. The gravel part may not even be needed.

You will only lose some bacteria, from the 30g tank glass. Your filter basically has your bioload that you are transferring, and the 100 gallon will dilute the ammonia produced a lot with the current load of fish.

If you have a bio-wheel filter, or a filter packed with bio-media, you don't even need the gravel from the old tank.

I would setup the 100g,dechlorinate it, and I would switch the next day. That way your temp is the same, the Oxygen bubbles are mostly gone that a newly filled tank has, that can stick to the fish(maybe bothering them), and you can let the dust settle from the new gravel you are putting in.

I am getting excited thinking of your switch, I too may be doing this soon! ;)


Medium Fish
Nov 4, 2002
New Orleans
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Thanks for the advice. I actually have 2 biowheels on the 30 gal that I am will use for the 100 gal to star off. I am going to be putting 2 new filters on it soon. 2 Emperor 400s. I guess I can use the old 2 as well as the new 2 until the new ones grow some bacteria on them. Any idea how long that would take? I am glad I don't need the old gravel as I wanted to switch colors.

By the way, the prices here stink!


Medium Fish
Nov 4, 2002
New Orleans
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I have the tank set up with only gravel and my Penguin 170 from the 30 gal as well as a Powerhead for some circulation running. Only gravel in it! I cannot wait to transfer. I am waiting on my new filters to come in from Big Als!