Swollen Eye

May 5, 2006
One of my Scissortail Rasboras has one swollen eye. Only one eye is swollen. Does that mean it is a disease or an injury? The part that is swollen is more toward the top and front half of the eye. What should I do? Any suggestions. I love keeping fish, but it can be so hard at times to keep everything satisfied and happy. Thanks in advance! Please Help.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If it's only one eye that's swollen, it's most likely an injury. From your other post, you said you have nitrites at 0.5 and nitrates at 80. The nitrates are high, and your nitrites should be at zero in an established tank.

Definitely do a series of water changes to get those nitrates below 20ppm, as this will help your fish in the healing process.

If you have a hospital tank, you could put the fish in there for observation, and possibly treat with Melafix (helps heal wounds). If you don't have a hospital tank, he should be OK, but watch the eye for signs of infection, such as any white fuzzy growths.