Swollen Stomach

May 6, 2004
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I've had my male betta for over a year. He's one of those large breeds, but I didn't know that when I bought him. I keep him in a gallon aquarium and he has been doing great up until the last few weeks. His stomach has gotten HUGE. If I didn't know better I'd think he was pregnant! He still eats well, and he doesn't have any problems swimming and he's always happy to see me. (I'm strange, I talk to my fish and baby them like they're my kids)
Is he sick, or should I put him on a diet?
Help please!!!

May 6, 2004
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Fasting Time????

Thaks for the replys guys :) Joanne I've been feeding him Aqua Culture Betta Mocro-pellet food in the Color-Enhancing Diet.
How many days should I fast him, I don't want to starve him. And he knows when its feeding time. I feed the Bettas the same time I feed the Koi and the Oscars.


May 6, 2004
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Ashleigh, his scales are sticking out a bit, and thats one of the things that worries me. I change his water out once a week, sometimes twice depending on if it starts to get dirty. and as far as the feeding, I feed him twice a day, 8 in the morning, and 6 at night.

Thanks, I hope he gets better soon.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hi MelisaReece,

Welcome to the board. Sorry about your bad news, it looks like your betta has something commonly known as 'Dropsy'.

Dropsy is sometimes a symptom of an organ failure, like kidneys, which means the fish gets bloated from excess water (not excess food).

It is not really known why some fish get dropsy (water/genetics/bacteria/virsus) but it is fairly common for bettas and gourami.

If his scales are sticking out, and swollen belly, its very likely he is in the advanced stages of the disease. An anti-biotic might help, but sorry to say Dropsy is usually always fatal.

I lost a couple of my favorite fish a few months ago to Dropsy :( Keep him comforatable and keep on your regular routine. He will likely get more sluggish, more bloated, and eventually stay on the bottom of the tank or ontop of a tall decoration till he passes on.

If he swells up really bad, you could consider euthanizing him by putting him in a cup of shallow water in the deep freezer till he freezes solid. Its likely less painful that the alternative.

It sometimes happens with fish... don't let it get to down too much and keep on trying!