Syno compatability


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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I have a Yellow Marbled Syno in a mixed Cichlid 55. At least I think I do - only seen him once in 3 months, and that last sighting was over a month ago. If I put a Featherfin Squeaker in the same 55, am I going to have problems ? I've heard that Synos can be agressive with other Synos - but just how likely is that in a 4ft tank with lots of hiding places.

And while we're here (sorry, but it's not really worth putting this on another thread) - Sailfin Pl*cos.........I had 3 very tiny ones in the same tank, but as they grew, squabbles would break out. I removed the largest (Elvis) and put him in a different tank, since then the other two seem to be getting along fine. They'll sit within an inch of each other and not be agressive at all. They're about 5 inches long now - will they still get along when they're bigger ?