Ok, I dont know if I am being paranoid or if my fish is sick. I jus got a syno from my lfs. I paid almost 60 bucks for it and I think it may be sick or dying. I brought it home from the lfs and it was on the verge of death, it was at the top of the bag gasping for air. I took him out and he seemed to get better within a half hour or so. I think they had jus arrived at the shop, so the stress of being back in a bag so soon was what happened. He seemed fine, swimming around when the lights were out, and taking food(not flake or the pellets but frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp). So I was confident that he would be fine. I have noticed that he seems to be "gasping" for air again. He doesnt swim around very much at all. But he isnt "noticeably" dying or anything, just the gasping. He is still eating, does swim around, but doesnt act the way I thought it would. I have kept 4 different species of synodontis, and I dont know if it is just me(lol, this specific synodontis angelicus) but angelicus seems to be the most shy and lazy out of the 4. Is this jus the nature of this species?? or is my syno dying or sick?? It may be that this synodontis is not used to its enviroment or maybe it is jus being the way that they are. I dont know. VERY stressful when he cost so much and I dont know if he is ok or not. Please, ANYBODY with experience or knowledge of this species, PLEASE HELP OR TRY TO CALM ME DOWN. LOL