Synodontis tank size

Apr 18, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Would a Synodontis eupterus require company, or could it be happy if it was the only fish (or maybe one other) in the tank, and what would be the minimum tank size be? Was thinking along the lines of having it as a 'feature' fish, rather than a community tank.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I've never kept one, but from what I've read, as long as they're in a large enough tank (say 29 gallons?) and not kept with very small fish or others of the same kind then they're pretty peaceful. They are very territorial and like to have caves to hide in etc. I'm not sure a pleco would be too wonderful as a feature fish...only because they're more active at night and during the day it might seem like there's no fish in the tank, but of course its your tank :) They are a very cool fish.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Synodontis Euruptus are EXTREMELY peaceful fish. I had one in my 29gallon community tank, and the only reason he got moved to his own 10gallon tank is because he could get to the sinking pellets way before my 9 corydoras, so I had to seriously overfeed him just so that everybody else got some. He now shares the 10gallon with a molly and a killifish. He hangs out upside down in his cave for most of the day, and in the evening he comes out and swims around. Sure he would like a larger tank, but wouldn;t all of our fish like larger tanks, and larger tanks, and maybe even to be free in the wild with virtually unlimited swimming room... I would NOT put another synodontis in with him though.

Mine only took a year to grow from the size of a small corydoras catfish to the size he is now, about 4 inches long and big enough to make a quarter pounder out of, if you like fried catfish, that is.

Quite honestly I've seen some of these Synos get kinda big. About 6 or 7" and I've read here and there that they're able to get a bit larger than that though that would be more of an exception and not the rule.
They're not generally placid fish, would fare well in a tank full of Malawi cichlids. They could be a "feature" fish in a properly sized tank of a leat 55gls and I do believe they prefer the company of their own species though some articles I've read would suggest otherwise. Perhaps you could do a small group of 3 or 4 in a tank this size. They can be territorial so you're best off avoiding that issue by not mixing them with other bottom feeders.