I am setting up a vivarium with a bunch of live terrestrial plants, and I was wondering If I could use T5 lighting, or really any aquarium lighting, exept for terrestrial plants. would it work? how many watts would be needed? thanks in advance!
I don't see any reason you couldn't use them. People used them for hydroponics and indoor growing. I'm not too sure on the wattage. A lot of people use single strip fluorescents or shop lights for shelves of seedlings.
It will probably depend on how far above the plants the lights are and what type of plants. A lot of the plants that require high humidity don't need that much light.
My dad has two T5s rigged up so that we can start to grow tomatoes in the winter. They grow like mad and within months, we have giant tomatoe plants overtaking our dining room. I think they are GE bulbs. It's worth a try.