Hi Taffy
I have decided to delay my Rio 400, what with baby on the way and decorating our bungalow I can't really justify the cost at the moment.
Anyway I have removed my J.Ornatus and my 180 litre now only contains:
4 Ocellatus
2 Calvus
2 Leptosoma (not enough but if I add anymore the male gets very aggressive and the two I have seem to enjoy chasing each other around)
to liven things up a bit and after your post on the other forum saying these fish is one of the best looking tangs (from pictures I agree)would they fit into my current set up if so:
How many should you get
Any ideas where to get them
How much do they cost as I have heard they can be expensive
I have decided to delay my Rio 400, what with baby on the way and decorating our bungalow I can't really justify the cost at the moment.
Anyway I have removed my J.Ornatus and my 180 litre now only contains:
4 Ocellatus
2 Calvus
2 Leptosoma (not enough but if I add anymore the male gets very aggressive and the two I have seem to enjoy chasing each other around)
to liven things up a bit and after your post on the other forum saying these fish is one of the best looking tangs (from pictures I agree)would they fit into my current set up if so:
How many should you get
Any ideas where to get them
How much do they cost as I have heard they can be expensive