Taffyfish - Synodontis Petricola


Small Fish
Nov 18, 2003
Christchurch UK
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Hi Taffy

I have decided to delay my Rio 400, what with baby on the way and decorating our bungalow I can't really justify the cost at the moment.

Anyway I have removed my J.Ornatus and my 180 litre now only contains:

4 Ocellatus
2 Calvus
2 Leptosoma (not enough but if I add anymore the male gets very aggressive and the two I have seem to enjoy chasing each other around)

to liven things up a bit and after your post on the other forum saying these fish is one of the best looking tangs (from pictures I agree)would they fit into my current set up if so:

How many should you get
Any ideas where to get them
How much do they cost as I have heard they can be expensive



Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Hi Kevin,

You should get 2 or 3 juvies, last I looked rift lake cichlids in Bournemouth had loads and he was charging £12 each.
Rod Norris is the proprietor.

Don't pay silly money for adults....!



Small Fish
Nov 18, 2003
Christchurch UK
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Picked up three 1" last night at £10 each, awesome looking fish even at that size. They all disappeared into the rockwork and seemed quite happy, my male Calvus had a look but soon lost interest.

Hopefully as they settle they will have the confidence to venture out during the day but either way they make a great addition to the tank, kind of finished it off really.


Small Fish
Nov 18, 2003
Christchurch UK
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Hi Taffy

I have upped my number of Petricola to 5, I am now getting fleeting glimpses so they must be settling.

On another matter if I upgraded my 180 litre 40" x 16" x 20" to a 300 litre (rather than 400) 48" x 20" x 24" would this allow me to add many more fish. The dimension don't seem a lot different but there is a 120 litre increase in volume.

Current stock

4 x Ocellatus
2 x Cavus
2 x Leptosoma
5 x Petricila

I suppose I would like to up my Leptosoma group to 12 and maybe add another couple of species. Do you think this would be large enough for Leptosoma. I am unsure wether I would get the time to maintain a 5 foot aquarium and I could get the 300 litre a lot sooner

Any thoughts.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Hi Kev,

leptosoma - so long as you stick at 1m you could increase the females to 4 or 5

Yes, with the 300 litre you could certainly add some more cave spawners, julies or leleupi spring to mind not least because I have around a dozen each of julie transcriptus and leleupi longior (orange) at around 1" which you can have for nothing if you can collect them sometime. Leleupi have a rep for hassling shellies though.

I also want to move on my breeding pair of neol.brichardi, that's another option I guess but might be more hassle than you need!


Small Fish
Nov 18, 2003
Christchurch UK
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Thanks for the offer but I have tried Leleupi before and despite their beautiful colouration they terrified my Ocellatus. My males are a lot larger but I wouldn't want to risk it. As for Brichardi I think their breeding habits can be a little too agressive for my liking.

I amnot sure what I want to add to be honest, I may try and get hold of something a little more unusual.

Rift Valley Cichlids always take unwanted fish off my hands, just a thought.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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OK, no worries.
Long drive for me to Rod's place, think I'll be euthanising sometime soon, got a bottle of clove oil to try that method out.

Maybe tretocephalus or sexfasciatus? Problem might be harrasment of the occies again though....they seem to be limiting your options a bit. Fogelhund recommends setting up the cave spawners (whichever go select) at one end and the shellies at the other, then placing the calvus between the two. That approach might be worth a try?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Taffy - we're going to have that new tank set up this weekend - so we may be able to save you some clove oil.

Should have it running by Saturday night - got a cycled filter ready to go straight on it (Fluval 203 can).

Just waiting for the new 204 to arrive, then I can swap out the 203 from the 30.

I'll shout on here as soon as it's here....


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Hi Purple, the clove oil is for the juvie julies and leleupi, your multies are quite safe from my madness! ;-) Let me know if you want any leleupi or julies as well......

The need to euthanise is not pressing anyway, I'm still waiting for those backgrounds to turn up from blackjungle.com, it's been a month to the day since I ordered them.