tail rot on betta

Dec 28, 2005
New york
help! I'm new to this website but along time betta owner. My betta scrappy, he's about 2 years old and he is a split tail. In between the split in his tail, he has what looks like tail rot. It looks like a white spot with pink in the middle. Its eating away at his body slowly. I clean the water at least 1 time a week and I put stress coat and aquarium salt in the tank. It hasnt got any better and Im worried. I dont think that bettafix will help me. any suggestions will be very helpfull to me. Thanks so much in advance!!!!!

Thats a website I trust too, her pictures will also help in showing you what to do in the case of what looks to be * advanced stage of Tail rot* . But the white your talking about sounds like Ick... Cant really tell without seeing the betta myself, but bettatalk.com has the best you need to know on tail rot..

Man everybody seems to go threw it , in a way its a reliefe * has always had tail rot of one kind or another* But my betta has sevral times of fin rot, but never got that bad when I had Bettamax around and some other meds for calming purposes. but sometimes it healed on it's own. Bettas emun was great on him though.. good luck, and I hope you can save em. Let us know when he feels better =3