Tail Rot- Still Hanging Around

I posted about my betta Eclipse back in mid- June he has tail rot. It's now been 1 1/2 months and is still not going away but not getting worse. I was treating but stopped to just do more water changes for fear of over medicating. I now change his water twice a week, Sunday's I do a 100% where I wash the entire tank out with hot water and either Wednesday or Thursday I do a 50% water change depending on how dirty the water looks on what day. I'm at a lost for what to do. I wanna fix this before it turns into advanced fin and body rot. Could it be something other then tail rot? I read on a site a person was talking about ammonia burn, I don't know much about this but he said it could look the same as tail rot, Does anyone know about ammonia burn and how to treat? The picture below is from the old post I'll try to re-upload a newer one.

First Thread about Eclipse's Tail Rot:

Old Picture:

New Picture:



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Do you have a heater in this tank? If not, what are the temperature ranges day/night? I had a problem with this with my betta when he was in a small, unheated tank. I moved him to a 5g with a heater and filtration, and he became much more healthy.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
Maybe you should think about upgrading him to a bigger tank? I don't think it really looks like ammonia burn, and with your water changes it would have gotten better if it was. Also what have you been treating with? It may be time to try a different medication.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
I don't think it will hurt. In my past experience Melafix did not help my fishes tail rot, I used a melafix/pimafix combo, I think the pimafix would probably do better.

I think eclipse will be a lot happier in the 10g, and I think it will be better for him in the long run. Just watch your water parameters and keep up with the water changes.

Oct 13, 2008
I know this is an old topic, but I found it via Google images, and decided to register to add in something I didn't see suggested. Have you considered that your fish could be a tail biter?

Before I found out my Betta's triggers (me eating when he wasn't, him always expecting food after a flaring session, or too bright of light), he'd munch on his tail when upset. (I've caught him in the act, too.) He loved going for the middle part the most, and was very skillful at getting in between rays just like your fish there. He also went for his dorsal and anal fins, like your guy did. Of course, bitten areas are prone to fin rot or other secondary infections, so you should watch those areas closely.

I figure if it was ammonia burn, the damage would be a lot more uniform on the tail. But with the way your fish looks, I'd have to say that looks a lot like biting.

Anyways, hope this helps!

Edit: Also, I forgot to mention this, but be careful with Melafix/Bettafix. These medications can coat the labyrinth organ and make it harder for a Betta to breathe, so make sure to use small doses.

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Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Are those fake plants in there? My daughters Beta had a pice of his tail sliced off, clean cut and it turned out the fake plant was very sharp. I put some water sprite in with him now and he is doign better.