Tail Rot-Treating But Not Regrowing- Help!

So my betta Eclipse, a half-moon, has tail rot to my knowledge. He's in a 1 gallon tank with a air pump, no filter. I've been treating him for 2 1/2 weeks now for it and no sign of it getting better. I've been treating him with API Melafix, API Aquarium Salt, and Jungle Anti-Bacteria Medicated Fish Food. He's tail hasn't gotten worse but isn't growing back, how long does it take to grow back? Or is he still sick?

Pics before sick:

Tail Rot? Pictures:



Large Fish
Feb 27, 2008
Lynchburg, Va
I don't have a lot of experience with sickness, but that seems like a long time- 2.5 wks for all that meds. I don't think it would hurt if you stopped the meds for a couple days and did a really good water change (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Thats what I would do. Maybe see if that helps at all.
Someone else wanna chime in?
Very beautiful fish btw. :)

Mar 7, 2008
LI, New York
I am actually having the same problem as you are right now. My betta (Nicknamed Charlie) was great with color and tails and fins until the last 2 days. I think it might have something to do with the extreme heat we are experiencing the last couple days in NY.

I did all sorts of tests and the only thing i could come up with was temp differences and The PH was abnormally low. So i am in the process of adding some stress coat and a water change in a day or two. Hope my info helps ya out. Let me know what you come up with.


Small Fish
Mar 29, 2008
Halfmoons need really clean water. Id say stop the meds also, and keep his water clean. In the one gallon change it EVERYDAY until he gets better. Then change it every 3 days afterwards, so he will not get tail rot again.


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
When one of my bettas get a ragged tail first thing I do is keep the water extremely clean. Then I feed them more frozen food like brine shrimp. If possible I let them get about 20 minutes of morning sun. Melafix has tea tree oil in it has can really irritate the labyrinth organ. Bettafix also has tea tree oil in it, just a lower dose. If he really has fin rot get some fungus rid. I say "if" because I have a couple of bettas I have caught actually biting their own tails. Once the fungus is gone the tail will start growing back in clear at first and will slowly get color.


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
Read on there and see if it has tea tree oil in it if it does it won't be safe for bettas but is reasonable safe for other fish with scales.


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
I couldn't find a reason not to use it when I searched for a connection with tea tree so I would assume it is safe. I use Indian almond leaf extract (betta spa). If his tail hasn't gotten any worse I would change his water and wait a day before giving him any more medicine.

Jul 4, 2008
I think that water change is the best thing you can do for you betta right now. Over medicating is just as bad if not worse than medicating him. I have saved alot of bettas with water changes, and a little salt, and 1 drop of aqurisol...yep good old aqurisol did wonders, not only for ich, but it helps bettas that are stressed too.