hehe...Ill cut it down to 1024x768 in case someone wants to use it as their desktop. But(like all my pictures), all I do is crop and resize the pic. I dont do any other photo editing to the pic. I dont want the 3.5MB pic taking up sweet bandwidth, so Ill cut it down in size. But it will be the actual pic unedited in anyway besides the resizing.
I guess thats the beauty of having a multi-megapixel camera.. you can stand back, take a pic, and "digital zoom" crop your way into the shot.
a guy I went to malawi with did the same thing, he'd take a pic behind a rock, and then crop the hell out of the pic so you'd think he was right beside the fish.
Yeah, it is nice to be able to do that. I didnt do that in this picture too much. Heres the original for you. The higher end digital cameras like the 828 have awesome macro capability so its not needed as much, especially with the extra macro lenses I have with it... http://www.verse914.com/DSC04079s.jpg
one of these days I am going to find a few hours and sit down with the A40. I still haven't mastered the glass/lighting/depth of field thing. perhaps I need a tripod.. my biggest hurdle so far is getting too close to the tank, freaking out the fish and them all losing their colour... humm... a friend of mine has a really good slr.. maybe I'll have him come over and see if I have a camera problem. setup problem or operator problem.
the no flash, high light, remote capture thing might work.
wow, how long have you had that taiwan reef for? although i dont like cichlids, i only like rams, angels, some discus, and TAIWAN REEFS, if i only had an imports liscense i woulda gotten one from soulfish...