Its hard to give up your pets. I have been there and done that when I had to move from Michigan to Louisiana. I have told myself in the past I would not do Oscars again but I did!! LOL. The first 4 lasted about ten years and some change. After they all past away from age I was going to do something else but gave into their personality and got 4 more plus a JD. I got three from my usual LFS because thats all they had and the 4th one from the big box place but the other three would not accept him and he died. They are a few years old now and have settled down and dont break Heaters but once a year now compared to every other month. Its strange how they know and hide from new people that come over, even my Africans do the same. I primarily feed the tanks so they get really exited when I come up to the tank but they are not nearly as exited when one of the other family members or friends come up to the tank. My Oscars get exited by my voice when I say "How are the boys doing" even from the other room. This is what I always say when I am about to feed them. Ok, I am done rambling LOL.