take sarted since nov22 still no stablization in nitrate,ammonia & nitrite

Jun 7, 2008
my tank is not stablizing atall ....water parameter are not getting zero
i just added a goby as third fish where a big crab is 3 months old
lot of dead live rock arround 16 pieces in 72 liers tank
i checked nitrite=50mg,ammonia=.5mg,nitrite=1mg then did a 80% water change
now i get these readings
nitrate=50mg again
please help why is this happening to my tank...
any guess

Jun 7, 2008
i have been dosing my tank with bene bacter ...7 species of beneficial bacteria
nitrosomanas sps,nitrobacter sps,becillus sps,cellulamones sps,aerobacter sps,pseudomanes sps,rhodococcus sps

i think its expired and maybe this has been hamering my bacteria or the ich medication i used 2 months back


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
hmmm back to the same old problem. You really should listen to the advice that was given to you some months ago as we told you this problem wouldn't go away unless you followed our advice. You are continually adding livestock to an ustable tank never letting it go through a proper cycle and then you can't understand why it doesn't stabilize. After this length of time, had you not added any more fish or anything else dying inyour tank it would be stable and have a sufficent population of bacteria to handle new bioload. Quit trying a quick fix and let nature do it's job. Leave this tank empty without any livestock, just the rock and substrate for it to cycle properly. Do not add any additives or anything, let the ammonia cycle through to nitrite and out. When everything measures zero on a reliable test kit, then start adding back your livestock a bit at a time allowing the bacteria population to adjust after each addition. I am not sure how many times I need to tell you this for you to follow this simple resolution.

Jun 7, 2008
no i kept only 2 fishes and a crab only
used very less food
maybe saying is correct
i may only have base rock
i hink i will stabalize till i use live rock
thats the main problem
but i wonder live rock is so important
i have seen people keeping fishes wihout rock


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
A fish only tank without rock will use some other kind of filtration (wet/dry sump usually, but it could be other types) that allow the bacteria to grow. These tanks will have more nitrates present usually but shouldn't have any ammonia or nitrite. Put about 50% of the rock in your tank as real live rock and the rest will become live in the following months.

Jun 7, 2008
great idea of putting live rock in the tank now
great of using tips above said like live rock foundation
slow is the key someone said to once
i enjoyed that moment that i replicated he hought to an substance
dead live rock
which rose to life and i saw few anemones coming ou arroung 30 small anemone lingring around heir new homes

but now that they are gone ...now i realized how much live rock is important
ill try an hand onto those rocks importance