Taking it very slow.


New Fish
Jul 1, 2010
Hello Everyone,

My name is Mozis. I just started my first salt water tank. I plan on taking this very slow to make sure I get everything I need and want and do it right. I am at the very start of this.

Currently here is my set up.

I have a 55g fish tank.

There is water in it with 60 pounds of Nature's Ocean sand that is all in the tank. I just put the sand in last night. My tank is still very cloudy. I hope I didn't do anything wrong because it's still very cloudy. I am assuming this will just dissipate over time. Can anyone confirm this?

I have a filter in there right now that is a 30-60 gallon Aqua-Tech filter. However, the filter was running when I put the sand in and the filter just stopped working. The filter is only about a week old. I am not sure if I clogged it with sand on accident or if it just happened to die when adding the sand. So I have to look more into that.

I have slowly put in 3 cups of salt so far over the course of 30 minutes. I have a hydrometer about halfway down into the tank so I can watch the level of salt. So far, the lever in the hydrometer has not moved yet. I know I will end up putting about half the bag of salt in there, but the fish guy at PetCo said add about a cup every 5-10 minutes- I have a 25 gallon bag of Red Sea Salt.

Other then that, there are no fish, plants, or rocks.

So, I guess at this point I will start asking for my next step, other things to buy, books to read, magazines to subscribe to, websites to visit and anything else that might help me. I am told that it will probably be about a month until I even consider putting fish in there. I am more then happy to take as much time as needed to make sure I do this right.

Thank you anyone who would be willing to give me any ideas or help me anyway.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
First read all the stickies at the top of the forum.

The filter is probably clogged that's my guess on it. You will need at least 1/2 cup of salt per gallon of water to get to a salinity of 1.022. I keep my tank at about 1.025. I would take out the filter and just put a power head in there for now. Get your salinity up and the tank temp up to 78-80. You will then want to put around 50-60 lbs of live rock in the tank. Once you do that the tank is ready to start cycling. You can do this with fish or with something like a raw piece of shrimp to start generating ammonia. Personally I always cycle my tanks with a cheap damsel fish but a lot of people go the fishless route. Read read read. There's plenty of websites full of info. You'll have to decide if you are going to use a sump, skimmer, etc.