Taking my friend's pleco + 6 danios because she's moving...

Nov 23, 2012
I already have danios, so they aren't a problem, but she doesn't know what kind of pleco it is. I looked on every website imaginable and I have this horrible sinking feeling that it's a common pleco. I just needed someone to confirm my doom for me. It's only about 2.5 inches now...

They are currently in a 20 gal while my 50 gal is getting a leak repaired (should be done tomorrow)... I know common plecos eventually need 100+ gal but there is no way on earth I can afford one. I deliver pizza for a living!

I haven't had a pleco since I was very little. If it is indeed a common pleco, how big before I'll need to rehome from the 50? How fast will it grow? Is there any possibility at all that it might stay small enough for the 50?

on another note, one of my older danios is being a bit of a fin nipper... will this stop when he gets used to the newcomers or should I take some kind of action? Only one seems to be bit up, though he has been chasing the others around some.

pleco picture coming right up...

Dec 14, 2011
Your fears were correct, unfortunately. That's a common pleco. I'd honestly try to pawn him off on a pet shop as soon as possible, especially while he's still small. I don't know for sure when he'll need a bigger tank, so I'm sorry that I can't help you there. I had one for a long time, and he got to be probably 10 inches before I finally gave him away. Let me tell you though, he was a nightmare. He pooped all the time, so my tank had several extremely long poo strands clinging to stuff a lot. He also got spooked really easily, so he'd flip out and knock everything over in my tank on a semi-daily basis.

All in all, he was pretty terrible. I've since gotten a bristle-nose and she's much calmer, not to mention smaller.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If you already have several danios and are getting 6 more at the same time, I'd be inclined to just let them be for a few days to see if they settle down once they establish a new pecking order.

Otherwise, if it is just one danio being a meanie, you could put him in a time out like a breeder box or something for a few days to let the new guys get established. Then release him again.

Option 2 - rearrange some things so that mr. danio is put off his game too - a new environment for everyone puts everyone on the same footing. Putting everyone into the repaired 50g will accomplish this quite nicely as well...

Nov 23, 2012
Your fears were correct, unfortunately. That's a common pleco. I'd honestly try to pawn him off on a pet shop as soon as possible, especially while he's still small. I don't know for sure when he'll need a bigger tank, so I'm sorry that I can't help you there. I had one for a long time, and he got to be probably 10 inches before I finally gave him away. Let me tell you though, he was a nightmare. He pooped all the time, so my tank had several extremely long poo strands clinging to stuff a lot. He also got spooked really easily, so he'd flip out and knock everything over in my tank on a semi-daily basis.

All in all, he was pretty terrible. I've since gotten a bristle-nose and she's much calmer, not to mention smaller.
poop. I was really getting attached too... I guess I'll keep him for a bit until I can find a place to take him. Small town, we don't have many options. Meanwhile I'll keep an eye on craigslist for second hand 100+ gals. :p

Nov 23, 2012
If you already have several danios and are getting 6 more at the same time, I'd be inclined to just let them be for a few days to see if they settle down once they establish a new pecking order.

Otherwise, if it is just one danio being a meanie, you could put him in a time out like a breeder box or something for a few days to let the new guys get established. Then release him again.

Option 2 - rearrange some things so that mr. danio is put off his game too - a new environment for everyone puts everyone on the same footing. Putting everyone into the repaired 50g will accomplish this quite nicely as well...
I put them in the 50 g today and they seem to be getting on a bit better. The glass on this one is more "mirrored" so they're getting a lot of distraction from their reflections :p I have a little 1.5 tank I can put him in if he keeps it up >:]


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I put them in the 50 g today and they seem to be getting on a bit better. The glass on this one is more "mirrored" so they're getting a lot of distraction from their reflections :p I have a little 1.5 tank I can put him in if he keeps it up >:]
Don't torture the poor thing! xD I just got my Rubber Lip Pleco from my friend today. He's just a baby at under 2" and he's so cute. He's getting along great with my goldfish. Although, he scared me by latching onto my hand while I was petting my goldies. Yes, I screamed. xD xD


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I took in a common pleco when a neighbor lost his house. It got to be over 14 inches and I eventually found a fish shop to take it. It was messy and i could only keep free floating plants (hornwort) in the tank with it. It also would crash around the tank from time to time and move things about. I wound up keeping a bare bottom with no substrate due to the large amounts of waste the fish produced.
I have read of some varities of pleco that do not get so large but have not tried to keep any. I do not plan to ever have a common pleco again.
Good luck