Taking the Neon Plunge....


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I finally did it, picked up a school of 19 Neons for my tank.

Nice little school...was leery they'd become food for my Rainbows, African Butterfly, or catfish.

So far, none of them have even made any aggression toward the Neons. The Rainbows swam and check them out at first but did not make any attacks or nips.  And due to the larger fish my Neons are schooling beautifully.

It will be interesting to see what happens and I will give an update in a week or two.

- Jason(theSaj)

PS - On the flip side, my pH keeps dropping so I add buffering agents every few weeks.  I have live plants, 3 pieces of driftwood, and some rocks. So I figure those are the likely reason.  So for now, I just add a little buffering every few weeks. Any thoughts, advice, or am I pretty much doing exactly what I should?

Oct 22, 2002
Would keep an eye on the count of neons.  Catfish might be having hors d'ouevres when you're sleeping.  Neons sleep close to the bottom and don't rouse easily, making them easy prey for nocturnal fish.  

Oct 22, 2002
Believe me, anything can be a hors d'ouerve with a fish of the right size.  Our syno proved that after we noticed neons disppearing very slowly w/ no traces of leftovers.

Oct 22, 2002
Sad thing is, synos aren't carnivores...at least this one isn't supposed to be...supposed to be a bottom feeder.  Problem is, neons go into this trancelike state and don't move when getting gobbled up...go figure.  Oh well, live and learn...syno got relocated and the neons back to their regular population, only to be decimated again.  Nertz!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
South East UK
Don't be so sure of the culprit. I had 12 Zebra Danios in a community tank with amongst others, 2 Butterflies. The Danios were dissapearing at a rate of 1 every 2-3 days.  ???

Couldn't work out who it was, but suspected the Silver Shark as he was the biggest fish in there by a long way.

One evening I was showing a mate how impressive the "predatory style" feeding regime of the butterflies was and he called me over to the tank to point out the tail fins of a Danio in the mouth of the bigger butterfly!  *crazysmiley* *crazysmiley*

Needless to say I no longer have the butterflies and the LFS was only too happy to exchange them when he realised how much money I'd spent replacing the Danio's!  >:(


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a defective African Butterfly....

I drop 10 crickets in the tank, he got one or two, the rainbows snagged most of the rest... *LOL*

So far, doesn't seem like I am missing any....

In fact, my swordtails/mollies just had some babies and I've got at least one half the size of a neon swimming around and another that well is so tiny he's about 5 times the size of a sea monkey.


I think I got super-docile fish.... *shrug*