tang chiclids

Jun 8, 2008
hi i am having trouble deciding what i want to fill my 55 gal and i really like the look of tang chiclids but is there anyone who could name some that i could use and that wont kill eachother probbly 3 of 1 kind and then enough of the others to fill the tank or do all tangs get along with all tang chiclids or just a link to a good site that shows different combinations

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Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Tangs are interesting fish, usually a little more mild mannered (IMO) then other africans. Julichromis are neat fish and inhabit the bottom of the tank. Then you have Calvus and Altolamprologus compressiceps. Also Brichardi.

Most of the common tangs are easy to breed so you'll probably end up with multipule breeders in a tang community tank. Brichardi will breed and form a family group, and the Julis can over take a tank.

You could do something like a couple Julis, maybe 2 pair? They hang around the bottom. Then maybe a pair of Calvus or Comps, and a pair of Brichardi?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Oh i almost forgot. You should look into a synodontis catfish. Native to the region and they clean up the scraps of food. Not like the sucker types. They don't get to terribly big either, not big enough that you can't keep them in your tank. There are a few species that are available most of the time.

They might prey on eggs or small fry in the tank as well, but are cool fish.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I would pass on the brichardi. They breed quick, and could easily take over a 55 gallon even at their small size. Little terror's they are. They make a great specimen for a species only tank in a 29 gallon or something around that size, but they do get rather rough with other fish when they breed, and they breed alot. It's your call ultimately, but if it were me I might think of something else. Actually I would probably pass on the entire neolamp group.

A neat mini-community tank would be one of the dwarf types of julies, some calvus, a school of non-jumbo cyps, and the syno cats.

'Cleaner' fish are not needed. But the syno cats are a great fish and a blast to have. I had 4 or 6 Multipunc syno's a few years ago and they were some fun fish to watch and keep up with.