Tang Compatibility

Jun 27, 2008
I posted this same question at another forum but sometimes my curiosity does not have much patience.

I am going to let my wife pick out our "pretty" fish. Right now, we have 4 Chromis, 1 Clown, 1 Lawnmower Blenny, a good clean up crew and a Coral Banded Shrimp.

Those are all nice fish but we want something pretty now. I really like the trigger fish but they get too big and are not good for reefs. I was not planning on having a reef, but I was given some Coral by a guy that works at the LFS so now I do. I likely would say screw my coral and get this very small clown trigger(which I think looks awesome) from the LFS but I think its cruel to put them in a small tank(I have a 120g). IMO there is just not enough room for them to swim.

The fish we were thinking of getting are the Yellow Tang, Blue / Hiippo ( i know its technically a surgeon), and she likes the Yellow Eye Kole Tang.

Would these boys get along? Would I need to get them all together?

If I got them, I am pretty sure i would have to order the Yellow Eye Kole as I don't think I have ever seen one at the LFS.



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I know you don't want tangs that look similar, so those three might be okay. Might depend on whether the yellow and kole think they look the same. I would definitely introduce at least those two at about the same time, and try to get the blue at as close to the same time as you can. Also, make sure to quarantine them before adding them to the main tank because tangs are really susceptible to parasites (like ich).


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
you should be okay though I would not recommend putting those three together in a 4 ft tank as they really do need the linear length offered in a 6ft tank.....I would probably lean towards a yellow and a yellow bellied hippo......


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
id say only 2 tangs in that tank and make sure u have a decsent skimmer! IMO kole arnt one of the "pretty tangs :p and tho i love my hippo ive never seen a fish as ick prone (she gets ick if u even look at her wrong) with that said i love my purple tang and so u kno there are some triggers that are reefsafe like the bluethroat and i kno of a few people with niger triggers in a eef aswell! theres even someone in my reefclub who keeps a clown trigger in his full blown reef but thats a huge risk