Tanganyikan Cichlids?

Mar 28, 2005
I have a brand new 10 gallon tank and I just purchased my first two yellow Tanganyikan Cichlids. The girl at the pet store told me that they will be ok in my 10 gallon tank because they dont grow very big. They are very small right now. So if that is true and ok then Im just wondering what i can do to make sure they are happy and healthy? Im feeding them TropiGro Cichild fish food. They are tiny pellets. Also recommended by the girl at the fish store. I also want to know how often i should feed them? The girl at the store said 2 times a day. Anyway so far the fish seem to be doing ok. The two fish were fighting with each other at first when they first were released into the tank but they seem to have calmed down. Also do they need places so they can hide in the tank? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

Mar 8, 2005
Yes all fish (well almost all) need hiding places, rocks, caves, plants, ect. Allows territory to be claimed and a place to get away from other fish. I've always heard that ciclids do better in odd groups (one male two females) to prevent dominance and to ensure everyone's happy. As far as feeding, feed once a day and feed as much as the fish will eat in around 2-3 minutes or so. Over feeding, especially in a new tank, will cause the nitrite/amonia levels to rise. Which is bad. I would also recomend you get a cory catfish and maybe an algae eater. I would let someone else confirm that before you go off and follow that bit of advice though.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2005
You might want to check out http://www.cichlid-forum.com/ and the cichlid section of this site.

What kind of decorations you need really depends on the fish. If you got shell dwellers you really need a few shells for them to pick from. If you got cave dwellers you need some kind of cave for them to live in.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
If they are from Tanganyikia, then my first guess would be that they are Neolamprologus leleupi.

Check here, is this the fish that you bought?

I have not kept this species before, but just about all the Neolamp's need a bigger than a 10 gallon. Only the dwarfs would be able to be kept long term in a 10 without to much fear of one being overly aggresive. Most of the shell dwellers would do great in a tank that size.

Assumeing that it is a Neolamprologus, you are going to need some rockwork and caves for these fish. They are rock dwellers, and need that to be able to setup teritories, and feel more secure. The teritorial requirement of these fish is why a 10 gallon is not recomended for them. They can be nasty to each other. So a rock pile on each side of the tank, with the middle open may help to keep down some aggresion.

This is not the greatest picture, but it should give you an idea of what you can do with rock piles. Click me

You said that it was a brand new tank. Did you cycle it first? If not then you will have to be extra carefull of ammonia and nitrite spikes. Also be very carefull not to over feed if the tank is not cycled.