Hi everyone, So im currently setting up a brackish water 75litre tank for my mollies. I changed the substrate from gravel to white playsand yesterday they seem to love it, they pick it up and spit it out. I havent added any marine salt as of yet ive ordered some instant ocean, just waiting for it to arrive. I still have my 5 peppered corys in there to, im waiting on a 54litre tank ive ordered for them to create a soft water tank for my 18month old sons room! so excited about it! And am also waiting on some plants tolerant of both tanks and some malaysian trumpet snails to aerate the sand. So ill get to my question now i know the MTS will help clean the tank, but is there anything else that is a great asset to keeping brackish and freshwater tanks clean. I know i will still have to clean them just as much, it would help tho if i could get some little critters or fish to help with the job? Also as grosse as this sounds is there anything that actually eats the fish waste? probs not but thought id ask.