Tank cycled! No casualties! Plants rooting!

Jul 13, 2009
I am so relieved. My 6 week old 29g now has ZERO ammonia, ZERO nitrIte, and about 5ppm nitrAte. five mollies (2 black and 3 silver), two platies, one dwarf neon blue gourami and four scissortail rasboras all happy, active and eating.

I took it really slowly, beginning with a few mollies, and adding a fish or two about once a week. The four rasboras came in last weekend and are acclimating well. (I probably need a couple more, but they seem fine and are very active). The Java Fern is stabilizing and the Wendelov is not far behind.

Maybe I've been lucky, but I have read voraciously and paid close attention to water quality and careful feeding. I'm hooked - mollies have given birth and a 10g "nursery" is in operation - also cycled!

Know what? Now I'm scanning craigslist and eyeing the house for a good spot for a 55.

I can't believe I didn't start keeping fish years ago. It's therapeutic.

Thanks to all here on the tank for the fine knowledgebase.