Tank equipment help...

Jun 16, 2005
I've been thining about getting a 55g and a 10g. The 10 before the 55. I have a HOB filter for my 29g. Now, my question is this maybe it'll sound a bit confusing because I don't even know what I'm talking about.

I was thinking about getting one of those bio wheel filters and a power head for the 55. right, and putting the 29g filter in the 10g and maybe doing another bio wheel for the 29g. But I was window shopping doing some pricing and I'm like woah! :eek: on the filters.

I have been reading up on different filters etc. but I am still confused. I want to give the very best to my fish with out going broke. I'm sure there won't be a place for me to lay my head in my fish tank once I've been evicted for non-payment but cichlids have consumed my brain and I need more.

I need some help please. I know you guys have explainded this a hundred times already but I feel so lost and like I am going to pay wat too much.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Aquaclear filters are some of my favorites and they are pretty inexpensive. They are very strong and can move a lot of water, they also are pretty easy to maintain.

I would also check online. Even after shipping you are probably going to come out better than going to your LFS to buy that stuff.

Personally i don't really see the use of me using a bio-wheel.....but thats just me.

Jun 16, 2005
Well, I don't know what I was looking @ then because there were some in the triple digits. I really don't care about maintainace. I would like a filter that works and if possible create water movement. If you get me.

I feel that when I change my filter pad with the carbon that I lose most of my bacteria even after dipping in the tank before tossing. I recently reduced my feeding down to a pinch of food every other day... once a week give frozen brine and bloodworms this has seem to work for me because I am changing the filter less. Actually last time I was able to rinse some of the yuck off in old tank water and put it back in.