Tank heaters?

Jun 28, 2003
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Sorry to bother you guys with another thread but i wont deny it i'm an inquisitive person!

Anyway, I been looking on the Betta Talk website and they said not to put heaters in a tanks smaller than 5g. Now i have a 25W in my 1.7g and my betta seems to be doing okay.
The point is that i've bought the same set up (minus the heater which was an extra cost) for my best friends 18th birthday so she can take it to university with her. As stated it doesnt include a heater. Being such a small capacity can she house a betta in it without the heater? I keep reading up on bettas but can't seem to get a definate answer. Can you help (being the intelligent, knowledgable amazing betta people you are (what do you mean flattery will get you no where!))?


below is a pic of the tank (again minus the heater that i added later) it now has a fake but very real looking soft material-like fern plant in it instead of the sharp plastic plant (also the betta in it is not real!)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i use an eclipse exporer 2 because it keeps the tank warm from the heat from the motor.i just put a plant in the way of the water return so that there isn't much current in the tank.my tank says between 76-82f constantly.closer to 80 most of the time but it will budge a bit with the room.but my bettas have never shown any ill effects from these small shifts.a heater in a small tank is a bad idea,they are just too likely to stick in the on position and cook your fish.i can't say for sure wether you can get marineland products where you live.if you can't try a small adjustable powerhead and see if the heat from the motor is sufficent enough to warm the tank but not overheat.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I have a lot of small tanks and I understand why you want to heat the tank. Your tanks does not look like it has a light, which usually does a good job warming up the water in smaller tanks for a while.

As far as watts per gallon (wpg) goes, your at 14.7wpg, and 15wpg is considered the top maximum recommended.

If the heater fails and stays on, it would not matter what size of tank you have, it would eventually cook the fish. The problem with smaller tanks is you have a lot shorter reaction time if you don't notice right away.

I would say it is fine, as long as you have a large, easy to read therometer in the front of the tank and you both check it regularly.

You can remove the heater during the summer if your average room temperature is fairly stable too.. reduces the risk of heater failure.

If you can get your hands on a 5gallon tank, it would not be such a concern in the future.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, that depends on the room temperature... what is the low temperature and the high temperature of the tank water. Read the thermometer first thing in the morning, that is usually the lowest temp, and then just before supper, that is usually the highest.

As long as the temperature spread is less than 6 degrees, and it never gets below 70F for a long period of time, you should be ok.

Just so you know, a betta in a 72 to 74F tank is a lot less active and responsive than in a 76 to 78F tank.

I just recently moved all my adult bettas out of the small tanks in my signature and put them in a divided 17 gallon heated tank. It made a world of difference, and each adult has 2.8gallons of water space each.

You should be fine, just ask around the family (relatives/parents of friends) to see if anyone has a spare tank lying around the house or garage - or wait for garage sales in the summer and try to pick up a 5 of 10 gallon tank, which you can heat without as many issues.

Mar 11, 2003
There are small heaters available at wal*mart. I have a 7.5 watt junior heater in my 2.5 gallon and it keeps it at a solid 80*F. Maybe if you call your local wal*mart, they can help you find one.

Jun 28, 2003
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You can buy those mini heaters in the UK, the Wal*Mart partner here (Asda) doesn't have a fish section and the lfs generally don't stock the less demanded equipment.

I'll have a browse on the web and see if there are any web stores that offer them.



Superstar Fish
I use a 25w visatherm heater in my 2.5gs. They're about 6" tall and fully adjustable and very reliable, ime.

Got them at petquarters for $9.99.

I had the small one sold at walmart, but they weren't adjustable and it ought to be.

I've heard of "heating pads" that go under small tanks to keep the water warm...but haven't seen them in person.

I'll put in my plug for buying a 10g kit at walmart for between 30-50$ depending on if you get the "deluxe" one. That way, its heated, filtered, and you can get some more fish:D

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