Tank help please??


Medium Fish
Jan 15, 2004
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Hello there fish friends! I am just now entering the world of fish, got my new 29 gallon tank, a powerhead heater and filter ready to go.I do however need some help,What is the best way to go,salt or fresh?Ive seen colorful fish on both sides so i guess it boils down to witch is the most friendly and better maitained tank for a beginner?The second part would be witch is the least expensive? and then theres the parts about all my dumb little help questions lol. Anyway,any help on this is greatly accepted, and I will be here 1 way or the other since i already got the dam tank lol,cya!


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It's good to ask up front. Personally for a beginner I think it's better to go fresh as it's easier to go fresh, and cheaper. There is more hardware and upfront expense in salt, and mistakes are usually pricier, lots, lots pricier.
It's up to you what sort of fish you like, and if you want colour or behaviour or whatever. I guess you need to trundle round and look at what you like. If you're asking question now I'd assume you're fairly smart. Go to a good fish shop, not petsmart, and see what cichlid fish they have. In a 29 you can keep some fish like julidochromis or neolamprologus, maybe a pair of each (thoguh sexing is difficult). Look at cichlidae.com or cichlidrecipe.com for pictures, or search on those genus names. I think that these can make good fish for a person who wold soon find pretty little community fish boring. There are also numerous cichlids and interesting catfish from S America, but you won't get many in a 29. Resist the urge to get any fish that reach more than 4 inches in lengh. Fish grow quickly, and they don't stop when you have a small tank. So no oscars.
Also lok at fish profiles here, and ask questions in the cichlid forum. Also feel free to totally disregard this! Good luck

I've done nothing but freshwater but I have recently been looking into salt. I'm a little intimidated by the added cost and the added risk of salt. I think for a beginner fresh is definitly the way to go. You will still get to set up an awsome looking tank while learning a lot of what you will need to know if you decide to do a salt tank. Then when you decide to invest in a salt tank you will have the basic experience and knowledge of aquariums and whatnot (plus then you will have 2 great looking tanks!)