Tank mates?

Jun 21, 2009
Fayetteville NC
I've ordered what the guy at the store called a peacock selection for my 55 gallon. Supposedly a variety of African Cichlids. I'm not sure how they will go together but if they all end up killin each other I'll just drop an Oscar or two in there and call it a day. But anyways...

I was wonderin if I could put a few clown loaches and maybe a zebra or gold nugget pleco in there. Or would the Africans kill them? Also since I was told to keep the PH at around 8.2 to 8.4 I wonder if that would mess up the loach or pleco?

Call me a skeptic, but how well do you know this fellow at the LFS, and what kind of a reputation does the LFS have? The reason why I ask is because that term "peacock selection" makes me a little nervous. Did he pick out these fish for you over the phone, or online, without you seeing them, or did you personally go down there and pick them out yourself? Just so you know, some LFS will order and sell mixed cichlid tanks which are full of hybrids. While they may be beautiful to look at, hybrids are not pure species. Let the buyer beware.

Also, I agree with Unwritten Law. If you are going African, then it is wise to stay African. Also, unless your tank is large enough, it is usually better to go with species tanks. A 55 gallon is really best for an African cichlids species tank, in my view, due to limited space and territory.