Tank mates =)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ok, so i want some Rainbow fish. What are some good tank mates. I want to get at least like 2-4 rainbows for a school and i was thinking about some silver dollers but the tank would become crowded i think. So what are some....fairly bigger fish that provide shineyness or would match well with the rainbows? It just seems rainbows would look good with Silver Dollers.....since they both school and look good ;) Thanx any info will help!

And would sand be ok for rainbows or do they prefer gravel. I would really like to get a tank with sand.

I am acctually about to get my 25 gal open. I am selling my 2 convicts and 1 mixed african. My convicts reproduce like i've never seen.

Last edited:
May 19, 2003
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38g would be good.

If you are getting RB fish though, I'd get a half dozen. they are a shoaling fish i believe and prefer to be kept in #s above 4-5.

As far as tankmates go, they are peaceful fish, so i'd say you'd be able to keep them with most anything. I believe i've seen them with silver dollars before at the LFS, as well as in tanks with danios and smaller fish.

Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I think I stepped in to an alternate universe today ...

I used to be the only one digging the rainbows but now they seem pritty popular, which is good because they are cool little fish. They are very peaceful so you can put them with almost anything (providing the 'anything' isnt agressive ;) ). Enjoy! =)