
Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
We're still not sure how to organize our tanks. Here's what we have:

Tank 1 - 48 gallons: New tank that has only been operating with fish for nearly 4 weeks. PH level is about 6.5. In it are several plants, 5 African Lampeyes and a small pair of Mickey Mouse Platties.

Tank 2 - 16 gallons: Been operating with fish for about 7-8 months. PH level is about 7.7. In it are some plants, 1 guppy, 1 platy, 6 Glowlight Tetras, 5 Rummy Nose Tetras, 12 Cardinal Tetras, 3 Corydoras Catfish, and 2 Caridina Japonica shrimp.

Tank 3 - 6 gallons: Currently not in use but its filter has been running on 16-gallon tank above for about 3 weeks.

Tank 4 - 2 gallons: Currently not in use.

We are trying to figure out the best way of utilizing our tanks with our existing fish and also with the purchase of new fish. Do you have any suggestions based on the information above? It seems that our Tank #2 maybe be slightly overstocked. It also seems that the PH level is much higher than what is optimal for the fish we have. However, the fish have seemed quite healthy and happy for some time.

How would you recommend we house the fish we have -- which fish with which fish and in which tanks?? What about some new fish? Any suggestions?


Jan 13, 2006
i would add all the fish from the 16 gallon into the bigger tank maybe keep the platy, guppy and move the mickey mouse ones all to the 16 gallon, and get a few more guppies, all the fish you have are community fish and i think they all should be able to do well together.