First off, HI! I'm new to these forums. I've finally set up my aquarium after 4 painful years of not having enough room to have it. I used a lot back before, but it seems pretty dead there now
Now on to the decisions!
I have a 29g tank. It's currently heated and has a 75g biowheel filter on it. Flourite substrate, lots java moss and java ferns. I have 5 harlequin rasboras, 3 blue platies, and 1 opaline gourami. The original plan was to do the rasboras, platies, and 2 angelfish, however I was told (to my great sadness) that the angelfish would probably eat the rasboras I don't like the opaline gourami anymore, so I'll either have to trade it in or find a new home for her.
Anyways... honestly? I hate this filter! I lose SO MUCH WATER so FAST to evaporation! Is there a way to prevent it? The only way I can think of, honestly, is to take off the biowheels, since that's where there's the most surface area contact between water and air, but I was under the impression that that's where the most aeration and biofiltering occurs too
Alternatively... could I redo my aquarium setup to be filterless? I know I'd have to stock lightly, but how would this work? I'm thinking a big ol' tank for a beta. Would any other small fish (zebra danios? something?) be okay in a setup like this?
I'm open to with the heaters, without the heaters, adding an air pump for aeration or not, keeping the same fish, trading them in... whatever. I'm just sick of hearing a mini waterfall everyday!
Now on to the decisions!
I have a 29g tank. It's currently heated and has a 75g biowheel filter on it. Flourite substrate, lots java moss and java ferns. I have 5 harlequin rasboras, 3 blue platies, and 1 opaline gourami. The original plan was to do the rasboras, platies, and 2 angelfish, however I was told (to my great sadness) that the angelfish would probably eat the rasboras I don't like the opaline gourami anymore, so I'll either have to trade it in or find a new home for her.
Anyways... honestly? I hate this filter! I lose SO MUCH WATER so FAST to evaporation! Is there a way to prevent it? The only way I can think of, honestly, is to take off the biowheels, since that's where there's the most surface area contact between water and air, but I was under the impression that that's where the most aeration and biofiltering occurs too
Alternatively... could I redo my aquarium setup to be filterless? I know I'd have to stock lightly, but how would this work? I'm thinking a big ol' tank for a beta. Would any other small fish (zebra danios? something?) be okay in a setup like this?
I'm open to with the heaters, without the heaters, adding an air pump for aeration or not, keeping the same fish, trading them in... whatever. I'm just sick of hearing a mini waterfall everyday!