tank rock background


Atlantic Fish

Ok, I have an idea, I want to create a background of thin shale rock for my 35g cichlid tank. Any idea what to silicone them to. I thought that i would silicone thin shale altogether to form a background, but the question is to what?! Any ideas, I dont want to silicone them to the glass, I want to be able to make this outside the tank, then slip it into place, with out disturbing the tank to much. I love the ideas from "Back to Nature" website, but I have never seen the stuff to buy so I thought I would do it myself....HELP?


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002


Well, if you are talking backgrounds, I would try using a seperate thin sheet of glass or plexiglass, then slide it against the back of the tank. You would have to put adhesive at critical anchor spots (corners, middle) to hold it in place, but that should be it. You could always scrape off the adhesive spots should you decide to take it out...

just my .02... *twirlysmiley*


I'd just love to be able to buy one for my new 125g i read all that site yesterday while at work during downtime, and i'm just amazed by it, even tho that guy said anyone can do it he has not met me lol. I'm a computer geek by nature not a DIY
i'd rather just buy it and not have to stress over it, so if anyone see's a place that we can buy those backgrounds plz let us know here !!
I was so excited about that page i went out last nite and bought a new background for my 55
hope to have some pics of it soon
