tank set up

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to set up a new 10 gallon tank rather buying a starter pack. I've already thought about buying an all glass tank, some kinda heater, an AquaClear HOB filter, and dark gravel. I need some help still...

I need a stand. For my 5 gallon, I just pulled a nice table to put the tank on. However, a 10 gallon will weigh about 100 pounds+, so I need something sturdier. I've thought about building a stand, but I don't have the time nor the materials. With that said, is there any places where I can pick up a really cheap stand, or should I just use another table?

Secondly, with all my equipment, I'm still missing a hood and lighting. My lfs manager recommended that I put a glass sheet on my tank (with adjustments for heater/filter) and just have a lamp light shine over. However, the tricky part is placement and wattage. I've calculated that I need about 18 watts if I light for 10 hours a day. Also, the light should be so that shadows don't make the fish lobsided. With such complications, I'm wondering if it'd be more advisable to buy a hood with a light set up.

Thank you for reading such a long post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I think most of the chain stores have the wrought iron stands for relatively cheap (petsmart, petco, walmart)...and Iam pretty sure they make them for 10G's too.

They make fold in half pieces of glass that you can set on the rim of the tank...I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they'd make one for a 10G too...again that'd be at any pet store that sells the pieces like stands and light strips.

If you can find a hood with a light strip cheap...its probably going to be easier to deal with than the fold in half thing with a light strip sitting on it :) Just check your local stores.

Mar 24, 2006
For my 10 gallon I used a sturdy dresser for my base. It has three drawers in it, and the tank just fits on the top. I'm not sure how a table would be, but if you have any free dressers, or bureaus, those should work.

For a top, I have a plastic-like lid meant more for terrariums than aquariums. I like the lid, because you can see a top view of the fish through it (it has screen mesh, and then larger rectangular holes). However the lid just makes it around the inside rim of the tank and sometimes when I move it around for cleaning or whatever it falls in the water (a bit annoying). It's also not ideal for heat (since it can escape), my tank always cools a few degrees over night.

If you have the money I highly suggest just getting a hood with a light. They just look nicer, and in general work better as far as lighting, heating, and ease of getting into your aquarium.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Thanks guys,

I just finished shopping for aquariums today. I checked 2 lfs and Petsmart. It turns out Petsmart had the best prices.

I got a 10G bare tank for $9.99. Also, I picked up an AquaClear HOB filter. It has great reviews(so I've read) and a lot of people on this forum recommended it. They didn't have any hood w/ lights on stock fitting my tank, so they asked if could come back next week, which I will.

As for the stand, I decided to use my table. My room is too small to fit anything else. I was thinking about moving my tables, but then I wouldn't have anywhere to study. I've kept my 5 G on it no sweat, so I'm hoping 10 G will do fine as well.

I'm not done yet, but I've at the least started. I'd also like to thank whoever moved this thread. It seemed no wanted to respond in the lounge.