Tank Setup


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
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Hi i am some what new to this betta thing, well atleast being into this seriously. I jus bought a 2.5 gal. fish tank and i have the following for it:
Filter for 3 gal tank.

wat other equipment do i need for my betta? plz help

Should i be using sand for the bottom or pebbles? do i need on of those bubble makers or watever?


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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Use gravel of some sort .. easier to clean plus sand becomes compacted. You might consider a small heater although an incandescent bulb usually provides enough heat. The "bubble" maker ... an air stone ... mixed reviews. I use an airstone that sends out a stream of very fine bubbles and doesn't disturb the water excessively. Bettas like rather placid water. However, I've found in the smaller tanks, the bubble stream inproves the oxygenation, plus some bettas like to "play" in the stream. They also like some kind of place to "hide" ... so a piece of dripftwood or floating plants are nice as well. Make sure you do a water change every week as smaller tanks can become rapidly toxic and to clean the gravel with a siphon at the same time. I've also had success with the addition of a small cory and an otocat in keeping the tank clean. Your tank is big enough to do that.

I would reccomend sand for a substrate...it really keeps tanks cleaner...the poop and old food diesn't get caught in the gravel and the filter actually gets to filter that stuff out...my 5 gallon and my 29 gallon are SO MUCH cleaner since I switched them to sand...I will be switching all my tanks over to sand in the next few months. There is a sand FAQ in one of the forums. If you do a seach for "sand" you should find a few threads on the hows and whys.

In that small of a tank you shouldn't need a airstone/bubbler...the filter itself will cause a lot of surface agitation, so you won't need much more. Before you get a heater, get a thermometer and see what your tank temp stays at 24/7 on its own, and with a light on. You want it to stay above 76 degrees, and not fluctuate more than ~2 degrees...my tanks stay at 78-80 degrees on thier own with no heater in the summer...so none of my small tanks are heated right now and I actually have to be careful that they don't overheat. A heater for a 2.5 gallon tank is not easy to find. Visitherm makes a small heater...but I think the smallest tank its rated for is a 5 gallon. There is a cheap mini one for 2 gallon tanks from Jr Aquatics, but they can be problematical, you have to watch them very closley to make sure that they don't overheat your tank.

Hope this helps


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hi Rokl33t & welcome to the tank!

If your tank uses an Undergravel filter (UGF) (a slotted plate at the bottom) with a airstone bubbler tube, you need to use gravel for it to work. If your not using a UFG, then you can use any substrate you want, sand, gravel, marbles.

Bettas are surface air breathers, so they do not need airstones (bubblers) nor do the like them. Bettas prefer undistrubed water, with little to no surface agitation. Whatever fitler you have, set it on its lowest setting (if it has a flow adjustment).

Like revfred said, weekly water changes. Look at getting a small gravel vacume (siphon tube) that will make your job a little easier every week.

As far as heating... do what twoluvcats said, get a thermometer and check the temperature of your tank at different times of the day. Bettas can tolerate as low as 74F, they prefer 78F, and will survive up to 82F, as long as it does not vary too much. For such a small tank, a 25w heater would work, provided you can fit it inside the tank.

Also, decorations should be soft, no sharp edges, and bettas like to sit on tall plants near the surface. They also like rock caves or driftwood.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
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thx for the help people. It really helped, gave me some ideas. One more question the 2.5 Gal. tank i have is a 12Lx6Wx8H do u think they have a light fixture that would fit my tank if there is do u think u can help me out thank u again


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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You might find a 12" one. Is this a custom tank?

If it is, you can make your own. Just go to a hardware store and pick-up a lamp cord and light socket, stick a single 20 or 40w compact florescent bulb in there and make a little wood box with a couple slots on top to allow the heat to vent.

I build my own 200w light for my 38gal marsh tank the same way. Its not hard, maybe get someone who can operate a table saw to help you.


Medium Fish
May 20, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
While bubblers/bubble wands are not necessary, if you do decide to get one, just get a gang valve for it as well as this will help cut down on the surface agitation. Works like a charm for me.

AS for a lighting fixture. Dr. Foster & Smith's sells something called a Galaxy Light for around $28. I would imagine it would work for your aquarium.