Tank Size advice


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
Hello, I have had a 29 gallon tank for a few months now, 3 cory cats 3 rasboras 1 rainbow shark.. the shark is a big bully to the rasboras and I wanna seperate them, besides that I want one peaceful and one aggressive tank anyway.

My question is this. I want a this big hex 60 gallon I saw at the pet store, it looks simply awesome, but I live with my best friend and honestly we don't know how long we will be living in this house. At the very least, it will be another year, but if I need to move a 60g and a 29g, will this be a real hassle? Is it best to wait until I settle down (i.e. get married in hopefully no sooner then 5 years lol) or is it safe to move the tanks should it come to that?

Again, if I do move it won't be for another year, but I may be here for a much longer period, 3-5 years. Any advice from you pros would be welcome as I have followed all the advice I have recieved from this board so far. Thanks!


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
go ahead and get it. Moving a couple of tanks really isn't much more of a hassle than having to move one. Even if I was only going to be in a place for another yr i wouldn't let that stop m from getting another tank.

the tanks should be the last thing you take down and move, and the first thing you set up in the new place. It's an extra step in moving..but hey it's all for the love of the hobby.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Check out my moving thread to find out how easy moving with tanks can be. I moved 3,000 miles with 5 fish tanks, non broke, and I had minimal fish loss. I'll find the thread for you. Hold on a sec.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Moving tanks are a huge pain in the butt...but I totally agree with Pure, if you have to move one you might as well move two or three. Like Delta said its definitely possible to move tanks without catastrophic results...I've done it several times (though none as far as him of course). I'd go for it :) Although I have to say...before you spring for a tank at the pet store you need to look at www.craigslist.com for your area because there are usually some killer deals on tanks in there. The more you save on the tanks & stand the more $$ you have to spend on getting exactly the filter and lighting and stock you want. I bought one tank new, and I sincerely doubt I'll ever do it again. Although its a VERY pretty tank, I found the same exact tank used on craigslist a few months later for less than half the price.


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
Thanks for all the advice, I will be getting the tank tommorow =) Craigslist is awesome thanks for showing me that site, but I dont see the type of tank I want which is a nice size hex... but its ok money isnt an issue here, this is my new favorite hobby and I dont mind spending $ on it.