Tank size


New Fish
Jul 13, 2003
Visit site
Hi all,

I will be custom ordering a new tank soon. This will be the list of fish I want to have in my tank.
6 Discuses
6 Blue Rams
2 SAEs
20 some sort of schooling tetras
10 Cories
maybe some shrimps as well
It will be a lightly planted tank.
So what size of tank should I have?

And do you guys think a 15 gallon tank is enough for a sump?

Finally, is there any point for bio-balls be immersed in the water or should they be exposed to air for maximum efficiency?

Thanks people.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
for the bio balls i think people try to get the water to run over them in an enclosed area, but i could be wrong about that

as for the tank size you will need a lot of room to house the discuses...I'm thinking you are going to want at least 55gallons for the discus alone, and thento throw in the the other fish maybe need another 30 gal or so? 88 gallons, more would probably be better though. The rams might be problamatic with the discus, i really dont know, plus keep in mind that discus need a higher water temp (think 84-90f) range compared to other tropicals which prefer it to be a little cooler than that...the discus people might be of more help



New Fish
Jul 13, 2003
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Originally posted by 1979camaro
The rams might be problamatic with the discus,
I thought these 2 type of cichlid are among those that are well behaved. Any sort of problem should I expect?

As for the temperature, I think a constant middle ground would be fine for all of them.

100 gallon for all of those, since they don't really occupy the same space. Agree?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
LOL... Actually rams and discus can get along very well. My discus and apistos get along fine and they are close enough to rams =) You will need atleast say a 90 gallon tank would be ok but , maybe 100 would be better. The larger the sump the better, but i would probably make it atleast 20 gallons, maybe more. Like said in previous post the bio balls are meant to have water running over them. For your schooling tetras i would suggest 20 cardinals. They are hardier than neons, seem to respond better than neons to higher temperatures (84-85F), and IMO look alittle better. =) What temp are you planning on keeping them at? Discus need atleast 82 degrees to flourish.

Good luck,