Hi all,
I will be custom ordering a new tank soon. This will be the list of fish I want to have in my tank.
6 Discuses
6 Blue Rams
2 SAEs
20 some sort of schooling tetras
10 Cories
maybe some shrimps as well
It will be a lightly planted tank.
So what size of tank should I have?
And do you guys think a 15 gallon tank is enough for a sump?
Finally, is there any point for bio-balls be immersed in the water or should they be exposed to air for maximum efficiency?
Thanks people.
I will be custom ordering a new tank soon. This will be the list of fish I want to have in my tank.
6 Discuses
6 Blue Rams
2 SAEs
20 some sort of schooling tetras
10 Cories
maybe some shrimps as well
It will be a lightly planted tank.
So what size of tank should I have?
And do you guys think a 15 gallon tank is enough for a sump?
Finally, is there any point for bio-balls be immersed in the water or should they be exposed to air for maximum efficiency?
Thanks people.